How I Learned 3 Important Spiritual Lessons at a London Bus Stop
The other night I had a reminder to trust the universe. I was on my way to a friend’s birthday party in central London. I was at the bus stop when a young blonde man in “street” style clothes approached me. He had two large dogs with him and one had a spiky silver collar.
He started to speak to me, and my fear took over. I had my phone out, and, at first, I really thought I heard him say “Nice phone, can you give it to me.” I thought he was going to steal my phone.
I had heard that it is best to keep your phone put away due to theft on the street. I forced myself to calm down, and I asked him to repeat what he said. I silently called upon my angels. He said softly, “Can I talk to you?” It was then that I noticed the gentleness of his demeanor. I said “Yes, I am just waiting for a bus.”
Now I’m not a fan of speaking to strangers, especially those with large scary-looking dogs but I decided to hear him out. He told me that he is looking for new friends because he no longer wants to be around his old friends. I got the sense that they were bad news, and he was attempting to turn his life around. He also said he thought I was pretty and wanted to get my number.
I laughed and told him how he had scared me with his big dogs. He replied that his style of clothes had probably been intimidating to me, too. He reassured me that he just wanted to meet some new people. Now it was a bit of a weird encounter but, after I missed the bus, he walked me to our local train station. His name was Joseph, and he and his dogs were actually very sweet. We chatted about his life along the way.
Meeting Joseph reminded me of three important spiritual lessons:
- The universe is benevolent!
It is a good idea to keep releasing all fear until we are fearless. Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t follow your gut if a situation doesn’t feel right. But I am saying that we have some powerful protection in place, if we fundamentally believe that the universe is a safe and wonderful place (you can change your beliefs if you don’t), and also especially if we are working with archangels.
With Joseph, I immediately went into fear when I saw his style of dress and his big dogs. Turns out he was a beautiful being looking to make local friends and possibly find a girlfriend. His dogs were adorable as well.
In my moment of fear, I really misjudged the situation. All lightworkers are being asked to become fearless. I now know that meeting Joseph was another exercise for me to identify where I am holding fear and to release it.
- Our first impressions are not always correct!
This really reminds me of how important it is to practice being non-judgemental. My first impressions of Joseph were based on my fear and were not real.
It is so important to connect with others at the soul level and not at the human level.
At the human level, Joseph looked like a bit of a thug complete with scary dogs (which can be a common sight in London) but, at the soul level, he was a beautiful being looking to connect to others.
- Beautiful moments are enough!
In the case of my encounter with Joseph, I was able to relax and just enjoy our brief time chatting and walking his sweet dogs. The experience didn’t need to be any more or any less. I probably won’t see him again unless I see him around our neighborhood.
It’s ok to enjoy moments with others without necessarily including them in our personal lives, and it’s ok to be quite picky about who spends time with us.
This lesson has been coming up for me in a lot of different ways lately.
It is perfectly reasonable, especially if you are an empath, to limit the number of close friends you have to a few, high-vibration people you feel good around. This kind of discernment is especially important for healers and high-vibration people, because others, particularly those in need, will tend to flock to you because being around you makes them feel better.
Yes, we are “of service” as lightworkers, but not in our personal lives and private space. So it is important to always follow your guidance on your highest good and who is best to have around you.
Remember that it is really important to notice what the universe is telling you and to recognize the lessons in your own life. Try to notice patterns and overall themes. This is the spiritual journey.
If you’d like to feel more connected to the archangels, check out my free meditations on my YouTube channel HERE and my digital products HERE.
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