Archangels are all around us. They are helping us and our planet as we lighten up and let go of old energies, individually and collectively.
Some of us just feel drawn to angels. We love their energies and enjoy their company. We feel a strong sense of comfort around them.
Fortunately, we are able to connect directly to the archangels and allow their energy to flow through our energy fields.
Here is some more information about some powerful archangels:
Archangel Metatron. Metatron is a very powerful archangel who helps us with many areas of life. He uses his sacred geometry shape, called “Metatron’s cube” to heal and transform energy. He is a teacher of esoteric knowledge and high-level spiritual concepts. He is very active in helping the earth’s ascension process. Archangel Metatron works with the golden ray of light which brings alchemical healing.
Metatron’s Cube
Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is a very famous archangel with many buildings, places and artwork worldwide bearing his name. Michael is a powerful force to call upon for protection, physically and spiritually. He uses a light “sword” to cut unhealthy attachments and to release old energies. He is strong and fearless and inspires us to be the same way. If asked, he can intervene beautifully and magically in seemingly hopeless situations. Michael also can help us with guidance with determining and aligning with our life purposes. He works with his white light sword and a beautiful deep blue ray of light.
Archangel Raphael. Archangel Raphael concentrates on spiritual, emotional and physical healing. His energy has a quiet, reflective quality to it. You are likely to feel positive physical sensations during and after a connection with Archangel Raphael. His primary focus is our wellbeing, on all levels. You also may invoke his assistance for healing your loved ones. He works with the energy of the emerald green ray.
Archangel Jophiel. Archangel Jophiel is an angel of beauty and promotes the divine feminine energy. She helps us to remember beauty and gratitude in our everyday lives. Jophiel helps us to improve our self esteem and to truly feel beautiful. Jophiel brings beauty to our thoughts, feelings, environment and physical selves. She helps us to declutter our emotions, minds and physical environments. Jophiel works with the pink ray of a brightly-colored rose.
For recordings of the last Connecting to the Archangels class, click HERE.
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