Do you feel drawn to channeling wisdom and information from Spirit but you’re not sure how to proceed?
It would be unwise and dangerous to jump right in. You probably sense this but don’t know what else to do.
I have been channeling for many years and I believe the best and safest way to start to channel is to be introduced by a teacher to specific energies and then to get comfortable with their presence without actually trying to channel. Actual channeling comes at a later stage when you feel comfortable and accustomed to specific energies.
I had a client recently tell me that he wants to channel a Greek god. I do not believe in channeling random energies. How would you know what energy you are getting? You do not know if that energy is the intended god or not. Spirits can be deceptive, unfortunately, and this is a rookie error.
Moreover, that Greek god probably has mixed energy, as many of them did, based on the stories. Would you want to channel a craving for war or revenge? Probably not. The fact is that the consciousness of gods and goddesses is not always at the highest light.
The way forward with channeling is to take your time and get to know the energies you will be working with. Channeling is such an intimate thing: you are literally inviting another energy into your space and energy field. This can invoke a lot of fear, understandably enough.
It is good to be strict with procedures (opening, connecting, closing). This is one way to manage the connection and make sure it is with the highest level of light.
The benefits of channeling are innumerable, and I am reminded of this daily. It is a very worthwhile journey.
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