Why Self-Compassion is Always the Way Forward

In my last blog entry, I wrote about resistance to the good and self-sabotage.

It’s important to give yourself bucketloads of self-compassion and love when you are working with any of your healing issues, including extreme resistance.

Sometimes it is good to just sit with how you are feeling, making sure to be compassionate and loving towards yourself. This includes any work with your inner child (see my first book).

I know some people who get angry and frustrated at themselves when they have a trigger or healing issue, but this is not productive. Self-criticism never helps you to feel better, only worse.

Remember that every healing issue you have has (at least what some part of you sees as) a valid reason behind it. It could be “protecting” you or keeping you “safe,” for example.

When you journal (or do some other self-healing method) and uncover the hidden reasons, often the issue will fall away. You will also get more clarity and understand yourself better.

You may think that you are already compassionate with yourself, but I encourage you to massively increase it.

How do super high levels of self-acceptance, compassion, self-worth, and love feel in your body and energy field? Hint: they feel very, very good! Yummy!!

By the way, the angels will help you get there, if you ask them.

You deserve a beautiful life!