
Are you a Lightworker or an “old soul”?

Chances are you’ve lived many, many lifetimes and upset a lot of people in those lives. We all have.

You could say that this isn’t your first rodeo!

In past lives, everyone hurt each other, and this was normal. But it created what is called “karmic debt” in those involved. You are carrying this heavy energy in this lifetime without even knowing it.

Have you ever met someone you don’t know but they are angry with you? Chances are that karmic debt was involved.

Karmic debt can create all kinds of problems, including –

  • persistent self-punishment and self-sabotage
  • shame
  • struggle and hardships
  • relationship difficulties
  • being stuck and unable to move forward
  • difficulty sleeping
  • feeling “targeted” by “bad luck” and lower energies
  • inability to be in your highest good

I designed this easy-to-follow program to help you release karmic debt from other lifetimes and the accompanying connections to lower energies from past lives.

In my healing practice, I have found that even when our pasts have been completely healed, there is still persistent self-punishment and self-sabotage. I asked my guides how to resolve this, and they showed me. This program reflects what I have been doing with my clients in one-to-one sessions with great success.

If you –

  • have been on the spiritual/healing path for some time
  • feel like it is difficult to rid yourself of lower energies and raise your vibration
  • can identify a block to living in your highest potential but don’t know what it is
  • have persistent self-sabotage and self-punishment no matter what you try to solve it
  • feel ready to release all of your energetic “gunk” and finally move forward

Then this program is for you.

Even if you have not healed all of your past from this lifetime, you can still complete this program. It may make healing your past easier and quicker.

This program includes written material, one short meditation (11 minutes) and two longer meditations (20 minutes). The second and third meditations are to be repeated a total of 7 times each.

In the meditations, we work with a team of the highest light, including angels and Archangel Metatron.

As a result of this sacred practice, my clients have reported –

  • easier, smoother lives
  • less or no psychic attack
  • better relationships with family members and loved ones
  • better sleep
  • faster and easier manifesting

One of my clients, Heather, suffered from persistent and unexplainable self-punishment and self-sabotage despite having healed all of her childhood issues of abuse and neglect. We worked together to release karmic debt and her previously high levels of self-punishment and self-sabotage permanently went down to zero.

After following Kristin’s program to release karmic debt, I feel so much lighter and happier. It’s like my life is flowing better, and the change in my energy is remarkable.

– Heather, UK

I’ve had successful results with many other clients, and you can now experience the benefits for yourself by following this online program.

Another client, Emily, said this –

Kristin’s program to release karmic debt helped me to finally release a persistent feeling of self-sabotage and self-punishment. I have been trying to get rid of that for years, and now it’s finally gone. I see the difference in my life and in how I feel. I am so grateful to Kristin for putting together this amazing program that has made such a difference to me.

– Emily, Business Owner, UK

Our lives, and especially our relationships, really can be dominated by karmic debt. This is a very special and potentially life-changing practice to undertake.

Results are individual and not guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been working on myself with healing and other things for years. I keep sabotaging myself even though I don’t want to do it. Can this finally help? I designed this program for my clients who have been working on themselves with healing and other methods for years, but still had persistent self-punishment and self-sabotage. My guides instructed me to do the karma-releasing practice with them, and the mystery energies released. My clients have felt much lighter after this practice and also have seen a real difference in their lives. They are calmer and have more peace of mind. They are sleeping better, too.

How does this practice clear connections to lower energies? What lower energies? When we have unresolved past lives, we have unfinished business with other souls, meaning we have a toxic energetic connection with them. This karma-releasing program clears the unfinished business, so that you are no longer affiliated with these lower energies.

Is this all the healing I need to ever do? No, this is just one part of your healing journey. It’s also a good idea to look at issues from this lifetime, including any relating to your “inner child.” You also may want to look at limiting beliefs and other kinds of issues, which are not addressed in this program.

Are there any negative energetic repercussions from this practice? This is a safe process and does not create any energetic disturbances in mentally and emotionally-healthy individuals.

Am I allowed to do this? Is it taking matters too much into my own hands? Yes, you are absolutely allowed to do this practice and to release your karmic debt. My guides gave me this process specifically to help with this task. You will not get into any trouble with anyone for doing this practice. You will not attract any negative repercussions from religious (or any) beings or the church.

Is it wrong to pay for this kind of guidance and practice? Isn’t it to sacred? There is nothing wrong with an energy exchange that reflects the years I have spent developing and perfecting this approach, in addition to all of my training and experience. My guides have advised me to charge for my work and time. The practice is still just as sacred. It actually would be impossible to put a true price on the value of this product, because it is priceless.

Will this negatively impact my relationship with my family members? This practice can only improve your relationship with your family members. It will not interfere in any way with your family relationships.

I have an abusive family background. Is it wise to do this practice? Yes, it is very important for you, too. This practice should help to free you from future cycles of abuse (although you may still have additional healing to do). Please see the special instructions throughout the program for those who have been abused.

I was adopted and don’t know my biological family. Can I still do this practice and which family do I direct the practice towards? You would need to direct your practice to your biological, not your adoptive, family, and it still works even if you don’t know who they are. As for your adoptive family, you may have some kind of soul relationship with them, and the guides will include them in the practice if necessary (probably in Meditation 2). However, you wouldn’t have the same level or intensity of karmic debt or soul relationship as you would have with your biological family.

Will I also be releasing karmic debt with my romantic partner? Karmic debt primarily impacts relationships between children, parents and siblings. It also can be an issue with romantic partners, but not as intensely. Meditation 2 can release karmic debt between you and your partner.

Is it difficult to do this process? Not at all. The main part of the process is in the guided audio meditations. One meditation is to be listened to just once. You will listen to the other two meditations a total of 7 times each, at a frequency of once a day or once every few days. The maximum length of any of the recordings is around 20 minutes long.

Do I need to do this program over the full moon? I’m thinking it might take me a while to complete it if so. It is definitely not necessary to listen to the audio meditations while there is a full moon. You can listen to them anytime you like.

I don’t know if I believe in karma. Can this still help me?  Yes, if you can achieve the appropriate mindset during the meditations, you will still receive benefit. However, this mindset is easier to reach when you believe and trust in the process.