New Year’s Resolutions

Set Your Power Intentions for 2018

I usually set intentions rather than resolutions because it sounds better to me to set an intention. It sounds stronger. Also, with these intentions, there is no need to be any more specific.

Here are my intentions:

I intend to be 100% in my Highest Good. I intend to merge more than ever & stay aligned with my High Self. I intend to work even closer with my beautiful Spirit Team. I intend to continue to love myself, to let go of the past & to forgive others. I intend to embrace love & financial prosperity. I intend to reach my highest potential & to be happy.

Here is why I chose these:

I intend to be 100% in my Highest Good. The only intention we really need is to intend to be completely aligned with our Highest Good. Your Highest Good means that you are aligned and living in accordance with what you, your High Self and your spirit team all agree are best for you. We should all be living in cooperation with our spirit teams, not in accordance to what our ego self wants in that moment. Your Highest Good would encompass a decision that feels really good and intuitively feels like the best course of action. It doesn’t end up wasting your time, having low value, or have a hurtful or bad outcome. Even if it teaches you a lesson, it doesn’t make you suffer, thanks to the new, lighter planetary energies.

I intend to merge more than ever & stay aligned with my High Self. When we are on the spiritual path, it is always a good idea to merge more with the High Self, which is the wise part of us that is in the spiritual realms rather than incarnated. We are spiritual beings in physical bodies. Staying aligned with the High Self means staying aligned in our energy fields and also with our Highest Good.

I intend to work even closer with my beautiful Spirit Team. Your spirit team is waiting for you to work more closely with them. This is a beautiful intention as it helps you to obtain healing, guidance and support from them. You are never alone, but sometimes you can feel alone. It is simply not true. Any step we take that is closer to our spirit team is a step in the right direction.

I intend to continue to love myself. This is so powerful. Self love is the cornerstone for our lives and for all of our spiritual work. Yet, most of us were taught that it is selfish and egocentric to love yourself. That is simply not true. 2018 can be your year to find even more ways to love and nurture yourself and to take this practice deeper than ever before. This is especially important for women.

I intend to continue to let go of the past. Archangel Metatron (my main guide) always tells me that this is one of our top priorities right now. The earth’s energies are ascending into the 5th Dimension, and it is crucial that we let go of the past. The good news is that it is easier than ever to do this without a lot of drama.

I intend to continue to forgive others. Forgiveness is so important, and it helps you to let go. I recently went on a forgiveness binge, and it really is the highest level of clearing. Here is the 3-part forgiveness mantra I use:

I forgive you for [what they did] 

I forgive me for allowing it [or, for allowing you to hurt me]

I forgive me for hurting you [and anything else specific]

If you find it difficult to forgive someone or the energy of the situation still feels heavy, you can repeat the mantra. It’s best to never force forgiveness, though. If you don’t feel ready  to forgive yet, give it some time and then try again.

I intend to embrace love. This means embracing and receiving love on all levels in our lives, including romantic love. With this intention, we embrace loving ourselves, love from the universe, from family, from friends, from strangers, and from a romantic partner. We allow ourselves to BE love. Feeling love in the in and the out breath. Feeling love in every cell of ourselves and in every particle of the universe.

I intend to embrace financial prosperity. This mainly brings up the issue of deservability. You will attract financial prosperity if you feel you deserve it. So with this intention, we embrace the energy of money and of all good in our lives. We see money as just another form of receiving love from the universe, and we welcome it.

I intend to reach my highest potential. We came into this lifetime with so many challenges. If you are a Lightworker (someone who came here with a mission to spread light in various ways), you have likely suffered a great deal as well. Now is the time to let all this go and to really know that you can reach your highest potential in this lifetime. Being in your highest potential means expressing what you came here to express and feeling joyful, content and peaceful. It also means experiencing love, financial prosperity and wellness without any struggle. Allow your highest potential, and it will find you.

I intend to be happy. Happiness is everything. Above all, with any plans we make or intentions we set, the most important thing is to feel happy. When we allow our Highest Good in all ways, let go of the past and allow love, we automatically experience happiness as well. With this intention, we remind ourselves that happiness is the overall goal.

Your angels, guides and Archangel Metatron are very pleased to help you with this and with all of your intentions. You just have to ask for the help.

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