In my Advanced Channeling with Archangel Metatron Class last Tuesday night, Archangel Metatron inspired us to consider how we make changes and manifest the new.
As for making changes, he asked us to focus on taking steps and on listening to Divine inspiration rather than being overwhelmed. If we find ourselves starting to be overwhelmed, it is better to stop, relax, breathe and ask for the angels’ help. Then we can restart our task with a fresh mind.
With manifesting, he gave us a new definition – “accepting the new that we have chosen.” This means that we can choose anything we like, and our “challenge” or difficulty is more often in accepting and allowing what we have chosen to experience. He reminded us that manifesting is more effective if we choose to see what we seek to manifest as already having been achieved. In other words, see ourselves as already there and not the manifested state as a future destination. He advised us to get into the energy of what we want NOW and to ask the angels for help with this and with everything.
The students did beautiful readings for each other. Their homework is to channel on “What does the universe wish to create through me?”
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