In my Advanced Channeling with Archangel Metatron Class on Tuesday night, Archangel Metatron explained to us that it is time to stay in the LIGHT. This means that, although we have previously been used to being around “mixed” energies (heavy/dense and light), and this was “normal” to us, it’s now time for us to fully step into our presence in the LIGHT.
This means that some things (relationships, situations, environments, even television shows or entertainment) that previously felt good to us will *no longer feel good.* He reminded us that we are changing quickly and to pay attention to how we feel. If something feels good, then it is good for us. If it does not, then it is not the right vibration for us to be around.
Until quite recently, lightworkers and wayshowers were kind of able to handle mixed energies. It wasn’t good for us, but we could tolerate it. The big news is that WE NO LONGER HAVE TO TOLERATE ANYTHING THAT DOESN’T FEEL GOOD TO US. This is huge. How many decisions would we change in our lives if we just did what feels good to us and aligned with us?? Archangel Metatron discussed this in my new book, A Practical Guide to Ascension (out April 4th) but it takes a while to sink in and to get used to!
The group received a beautiful Metatronic “energy upgrade” in the form of a meditation, which assisted us with ascension and anchored us more in the LIGHT. Archangel Metatron used sacred geometry to help us release the old and embrace more light at the cellular level. It was AMAZING! We were completely blissed out afterwards.
The students then gave insightful channeled readings to each other and to the group.
If you’d like to experience a Metatronic energy upgrade, join us at my next Ascension Energy Upgrade Online Event on Sunday, April 14th from 7pm -8:30pm UK time (GMT).
If you’re in London, there will be a live Ascension Energy Upgrade Event from 7:30-9pm on 12 April at the Light Centre in Monument.