Many women have lost touch with their inner feminine energy. Working in corporate jobs and even running their everyday lives require huge amounts of strength, planning and organization. This involves typically “masculine” traits and so it is easy for a woman’s internal masculine and feminine energies to become imbalanced.

When masculine energies outweigh the feminine in a woman, she can feel:

  • out of touch with herself
  • stuck, stagnant, and out of universal flow
  • discontented.

Often the imbalance will cause her to have challenges in her relationships, especially with men. If a woman holds too much “masculine” energy, a man may not energetically see or sense her as a woman, and he  could even feel competitive towards her. This can lead to unnecessary conflict in the relationship.

So what is feminine energy? It has been described as feeling, being, opening, flowing and receiving. Masculine energy encompasses doing, nurturing, giving, planning and making decisions. Feminine energy is receptive, while masculine energy is action-oriented.

We can see why modern women with busy lives can end up with too much masculine energy.

To resolve this, we can meditate to connect to the feminine energies of the universe and re-learn how to be open and vulnerable yet strong at the same time. We can start to see ourselves as beautiful and open up to the goddess energy. We can balance our internal masculine and feminine energies and try to notice when they get out of balance going forward.

We balance these energies in my Feminine Energy Balancing downloadable meditation.

There also is a recording of the online event, Aligning with the Divine Feminine available for purchase.

Both can be purchased HERE.

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