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The Call from Archangel Metatron

Do you think you may have been called by Archangel Metatron? Do you have a growing interest in him? Do you feel a pull to his energy? He is gathering a global team of wayshowers. We have heard countless stories of people, sometimes in the most surprising locations and professions, being called by the Angel of [...]

Timeline Jumping Class

Timeline jumping is a way to move to a new "timeline" or reality, with the help of Archangel Metatron and other guides.

The energies on the planet have lightened enough so that it is now more possible than ever to jump timelines.

The process is part-healing, part-magic...and the results can be amazing!

Timeline jumping involves doing inner work (you can't escape your lessons!) and also following a channeled process.

Timeline Jumping Class

Timeline jumping is a way to move to a new "timeline" or reality, with the help of Archangel Metatron and other guides.

The energies on the planet have lightened enough so that it is now more possible than ever to jump timelines.

The process is part-healing, part-magic...and the results can be amazing!

Timeline jumping involves doing inner work (you can't escape your lessons!) and also following a channeled process.

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