Latest Past Events

The Call from Archangel Metatron

Do you think you may have been called by Archangel Metatron? Do you have a growing interest in him? Do you feel a pull to his energy? He is gathering a global team of wayshowers. We have heard countless stories of people, sometimes in the most surprising locations and professions, being called by the Angel of [...]

Overcome Resistance & Allow Your Highest Good – Talk & Meditation

Are you ready to overcome the barriers that hold you back and embrace the abundance and joy you deserve? Join us for a transformative online event, Overcome Resistance & Allow Your Highest Good - Talk & Meditation with Kristin Taylor. In this live Zoom event, we will explore the topic of resistance to our highest good [...]

Medical Intuition Talk & Meditation

In the new Earth energies, there is no need for illness. How can you let go of physical ailments? How can you heal your body? How can you defy aging? Join us and discuss how to intuitively connect with and heal your physical body in a live Zoom chat, with a guided meditation. Kristin Taylor has [...]

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