To get out of a low vibration series of events in your life, BREAK THE ENERGY!

In my Advanced Channeling with Archangel Metatron Class, one of my students recently had one unpleasant thing after another happen to her. She was fighting with everyone, even the person repairing her computer. She came to class in a frantic and worked up state.

Why does this kind of thing happen? Because once our vibration gets low (after the first unpleasant event), then the tendency is for it to continue staying low or even getting lower. It’s just how energy flows. It doesn’t raise unless we purposefully cause it to raise. So, the unpleasantness just keeps coming unless we do something about it.

It can be so tempting to start flowing with the energy as it gets lower and lower, because that’s where the energy is going. We can start complaining and really getting into it. As sensitives, we are really affected by how the energy is already flowing.

So, what can we do? We have to BREAK the energy. This means you have to create an abrupt stop to the pattern and redirect/uplift the energy.

You could stop and go for a walk, put on your favorite song, stop and breathe, meditate, get out in nature, go swimming, exercise – anything that redirects the energy.

It’s always a great idea to also ask the angels for help!

By the way, the class successfully uplifted this student’s energy, and she felt relaxed by the end. We stopped the negative chain of events, and now her computer is even repaired!

We have so much help from the angels, but you are responsible for your own energy and for maintaining a high vibration. Don’t worry if it gets low once in a while, but if you take action, you’ll feel much better.

This is important for lightworkers. We can finally get to the stage where we are setting the level of our vibrations rather than accepting what our environments set for us. We have to first become aware when our energy is getting low, then take steps to adjust it.

My guided audio meditations really help with clearing energy – sign up for 2 free meditations below!